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My dear clients,


July 18, 2024: Like everyone else, I am gearing up for mid -summer.  It has been a tumultuous time globally, astrologically and personally.  I encourage each and every one of you to take the time you need, when you need it to process your life events and to take the time to recharge and restore yourselves.  It has become deeply apparent I can no longer help fill others from my half empty cup and I am taking the time I need to re-center and regroup.  I struggled with doing this, as I felt some guilt about 'not being available', but I can't help others if I can't help myself.  With that said, I will not be available during the month of August for in person or virtual appointments.  I am taking the time to work on some upcoming in- person classes and more virtual offerings .  Stay tuned for all of that beginning in September.  I will be working on scheduling more Psychic Development, Mediumship Development, Full Moon Circles, and Psychic Detection classes.  Check back late August for those details. 


I am very excited to share The Wyrd Tarot deck will be available mid-August.  This is a two year collaboration with Anita McMillen and #alexandrakateart.  We can't wait to share it with you.  Please check out the website and our artist's work. She is AMAZING.  The tarot deck will be available for purchase through The Wyrd Tarot site once they arrive from the printer. 


Many blessings to you all.  I am deeply grateful to each and every one of you who continue to support my healing work and for trusting me to help guide yours.  Blessed be.


February 18, 2024:  It is apparent I don' t get on here often enough to update the site!   Quick note about recent happenings and coming events.  Anita and I have some exciting news! We are launching a new Tarot deck - that should be available early this summer  - so keep your eyes peeled or follow us at The Wyrd Tarot.  We started collaboration with our artist in late summer of 2021 and it is almost done.  We can't wait to share it!  In other news, we are offering a weekend of psychic development and advanced Mediumship training March 9-10.  Join one or both days - see the Heartsong Meetup for details.  

I am continuing the monthly psychic development and mediumship practice series.  Those sessions are once a month on Wednesday evening at Heartsong.  Please see Heartsong's Meetup or message me for details.   There is more cooking in the cauldron so stay tuned!  


May 26, 2023:  Wow, have you all been feeling the energy shifts?  There is a lot going on astrologically and I am feeling it for sure!   Things are changing at Heartsong - we have moved The Discovery Room to the unit directly adjacent to the Journey Room into Unit C9.  I'm very excited to work out of this space as it has a waiting room - this will make it so much easier to accommodate groups of people for readings and other events, and you will be able to wait comfortably indoors, rather than in your car if you are a few minutes early for an appointment.   


The Student demonstration was a success!  They all read so beautifully - to a sold out audience.  Yay them!  


The Demonstration of Psychic Arts was also a success.  To the best of my knowledge, this was a first of its kind in this area, and I am pretty sure we will be offering it again. 


Michele Cutler and I will be offering a Demonstration of Mediumship on June 15 beginning at 7PM.  Cost for is $40.  You can register for the event through Heartsong's Meetup, or at Michele's site,, or by emailing me.  



April 21, 2023:  Oh my gosh, there are so many things happening - it is hard to keep up with it all.   The Forensic training went to a one day, virtual platform.  For those that attended, or those who would like to learn more, please reach out.  I am always happy to schedule another session.  There is a lot to learn!  


On May 11, Michele Culter and I will host a Student Demonstration of Mediumship.  Six very talented students of mine will go to the platform to bring you messages from your loved ones who have passed on.  This will be a really nice evening, and I hope you can join us.   Cost is $30.00.  Can be paid in cash at the door if you have signed up, or prepay through my Venmo.  


On May 24, Michele Cutler and I will be hosting a truly unique evening at Heartsong.  We will endeavor to demonstrate purely psychic arts.  This includes soul readings, connections to your guides, intuitive guidance, past lives, psychometry and possibly a connection to a loved one.   Cost for this one is $40.00 per person.


I am continuing the monthly Full Moon Circles.  The next session will be May 30.  Cost for that is $33.  Please make sure you sign up via Heartsong's MeetUp to secure a seat.   These sessions sell out and there is a wait list.  


March 31, 2023:  I have so many exciting training opportunities and in person events planned for the next few months.  Make sure you check back often on the EVENTS page for details!   John Bazley and I are offering a two day beginners Psychic Detection and Forensic Astrology workshop on April 15 and 16.   This is going to be a super exciting workshop.  John works nationally and internationally on cold cases and missing persons investigations.  We have both been utilizing the techniques for a few years and you will be amazed at what you can learn just by creating an event chart.  One of the fun parts is you don't need to know astrology!  I'll share a little known fact - I still have problems remembering which zodiac sign is which, but this is a great method to find anything that is missing - keys, pets, people, etc., or to find out what really happened in a specific event.  Please email me to register.  Cost is $300/non refundable. 


Anita McMillen and I will be offering a one day, on line Advancing Your Mediumship Workshop on June 03.  No beginners for this one please, as we will be doing a deep dive into expanding your evidence and on how to bring greater depth and healing to your readings.  $200/non refundable.  


On May 11, 2023, I will be hosting a Student Demonstration of Mediumship at Heartsong.  This will be a beautiful night of messages from some of my students  who are literally being pushed out of the nest.  It's time the world gets to see and hear from them.   More details will follow - so please check the EVENTS page and the Heartsong Meetup.  


On May 24, 2023, I will be joined by Michele Cutler, an Intuitive Medium and Coach for a very special Demonstration of Psychic Arts.  This will not be your "normal" evening of mediumship.  We will be using our psychic skills to answer questions, bring forward messages, and to connect.  Bring a photo or an item from a loved one with you.  We will read photos, items, connect with guides, loved ones, your higher self, your soul, and more.  This is sure to be a fascinating evening that will be one of a kind.  You won't want to miss it!   Learn more about the amazing Michele here.  



February 19, 2023:  Super excited to announce Anita McMillen, John Bazley and I were guests of the amazing Angela Zabel on Edge Talk radio this morning.  We chatted about Forensic Astrology.   This should be available on YouTube on March 08.  Check back for the link.   


On April 15 and 16, John Bazley and I will be offering a two-day, in person, workshop at Heartsong Healing Center.  The focus is Psychic Detection and Forensic Astrology.  As I mentioned before, you don't want to miss this one, so please reach out early to reserve a place in the class.  We are very excited about sharing these techniques with you.  John will be able to talk about some of the missing person and cold cases he has worked on.  I am so honored he is going to be here to share his extensive knowledge on these topics.  This is going to be a rare opportunity to learn from one of the best - so don't miss it! 


January 02, 2023:  As we usher in 2023, I am excited to share some of the events planned for the new year.  In January, Anita McMillen and I will facilitate a two day Advancing Your Mediumship workshop.  Please see the Events page for details on the workshop and other events.  


I am very honored to share that Anita and I have been asked to be guests on Amazing Soul with Angela Zabel on Voice America’s Empowerment Radio Wednesday, January 11th at 6 pm EST.  Click HERE for more information.  


Each month, I host a Full Moon Goddess Circle at Heartsong.  Feel free to check out Heartsong Healing Center's MeetUp page for details, or email me.  This circle is intended for women who want to work on their inner selves, and to connect back to their inner Goddess.  Seats are limited to 20 each month, so sign up early!  


I'm taking a short break from bi-monthly practice circles and development classes, but will schedule a few weekend one day workshops - check back for more information on that.  


Also on tap is a one day Reiki II certification class.  


This spring, I am excited to share we will be offering a two day workshop on Psychic Detection and Forensic Astrology.  I can say with surety you don't want to miss this one if you have any interest in working with missing persons or cold cases.  


Mediumship Demonstrations are on tap throughout the year and I will add them to the Events page as they get scheduled.  


My wish for all of you as we enter this new year is for stability, peace, joy, laughter, and the gathering of many heartwarming memories.  Live life to the fullest and with gusto.  We never know what changes are around the corner and we should live life without regrets.  Be kind, be compassionate, and most of all, love yourself.  You are worth it.  


Looking forward to sharing your journey in 2023!    





A Night of Mediumship Connections and Purrpose for those with Dads in Spirit


Join the delightful Dr. Danielle Clark and me for a night of special connections intended for those with Dads in spirit.  This evening has special meaning to both Danielle and I as we both have Dads in spirit.  The event takes place on Zoom, so you can participate from the comfort of your home.  Tickets are $50 each.  $10 of each ticket is to benefit Darbster Foundation, a wonderful organization with the mission of rescuing as many dogs and cats as they can in Florida, rehoming them in New England.   Please visit Danielle's website for tickets:   



Psychic & Mediumship Development Circle 

Come explore and develop your various psychic senses and refine them so that you can incorporate those skills into your everyday and spiritual life.  Each week, the focus will be on a different sense and how it ties into mediumistic work.  There will be plenty of practice time set aside to help you refine each sense and to develop, or continue to develop, your mediumistic skills.

This ongoing, in person circle will be held on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month, beginning on June 27th and will run through December 12, 2022. Sessions are held in The Discovery Room at Heartsong Intuitive Energy Healing Center, 1461 Hooksett Road, Unit C-6.


$35.00 per session.  Payment can be made in cash at the door, or by Venmo @elizabeth-robidoux.  Please note PMD in the comment.

Any questions – please reach out to me at 


Heartsong Has A New Look!

Things have been happening at Heartsong!   We have expanded into another unit - so there are TWO great spaces to work in!  The Discovery Room features private healing sessions, readings, and small group development.  The Journey Room features the large group classes and sound healing.  If you have not visited us in a while - you really need to stop by!  Tanji has created an amazing space for healing.   I am so excited to be a part of this expansion.  Come see us!  There are so many wonderful offerings.  Check out


UPDATE March, 2022 

I've been back at Heartsong for a while now and it feels really,  really good to see everyone in person.   We have so many exciting things to share!  In person development classes are underway now, with more planned for the future.   I have held off on updating my pricing schedule during COVID - but have made the decision to move forward with the change in service fees.   The new service fees are effective April 01, 2022.  


UPDATE October, 2021 

I am experiencing a brief pause with in person appointments for the next month or so as I focus on my own health and healing.  I hope to begin scheduling in person appointments again mid-November.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.  Please do set November 07 aside on your calendar.  I am very pleased to share that I will be holding a demonstration of mediumship beginning at 1 PM with Tina Owens.   More information with regard to signups and costs will be posted soon! 


UPDATE February 22, 2021

Very happy to say I will be back at Heartsong beginning Sunday, March 14.  I'll be seeing clients the second and fourth Sunday of the month.  I have been vaccinated, but masks are still required.   I am so looking forward to seeing you in person again.  I have MISSED you!

Email or text to arrange your next appointment.   See Events & News for the First Responder program.  Blessings!  


UPDATE October, 2020:  

I will be moving to online appointments only for the next month or two.  Please reach out to me through this site, Facebook messenger, text, or email to book an appointment.  Beginning in January, I will begin offering a special program for our First Responders.  Check back for details.  


UPDATE July, 2020:   I am so happy to report that yes, I will begin to see clients face to face (or mask to mask) beginning August 02. Feel free to reach out to me via text, email, or book directly through the link below.   Zoom and Skype sessions are also available.  Please wear a mask to your session - we will need to be respectful of the Heartsong space.   Be assured I will be disinfecting and as always, changing linens out between clients.  Your health and safety are very important to me.   I can't wait to see you again in person!   



 My plan is to re-open for face to face appointments on August 01, 2020.  I will be reaching out to reschedule cancelled appointments.  In the meantime - I am still available for readings via phone, Zoom, or Skype.   I am so looking forward to seeing you all again!   In the meantime, stay safe, stay healthy, and may you be blessed.  


As of the end of March, I have stopped seeing clients in person.  For those that have in-person appointments still scheduled with me, I will be reaching out to reschedule once our country comes out of the State of Emergency and we are no longer required to practice social distancing.  I am hopeful that will occur sometime during the month of May.  


These are anxious times for all of us.  Know that I continue to send Reiki long distance to all of you.  I miss seeing you face to face and our times together.  Many of you are not "clients" to me, you are dearly loved friends.  We will get through this together.


Please know that I am still available to you if you want to connect to get answers to questions or concerns you are having.  I can set up remote appointments and readings via Zoom or Skype - the phone works too!  Please email me to schedule.   I've added a Venmo button to the bottom of my website to make that end of things easier. 


Until we can meet again face to face - I wish you health, peace, and laughter during these times.  


Sending many blessings - Elizabeth 

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